Past Life Regression
With Gary Markwick
A member of the Complementary and Natural Health Care Council (CNHC), the U.K. Reiki Federation, M.B.S. Professionals Ltd, and the P.L.R. Association.
Gary Markwick is a qualified and registered Clinical Hypnotherapist D.H.P., N.L.P. Qualified in Past Life Regression, N.L.P., Smoking Cessation and Trauma Therapy, Usui and Karuna Reiki Master Teacher.

Earth School, Past Lives and Beyond
“Have you ever wondered what it would be like to travel backwards in time through the history of humanity and go beyond the realms of all known existence of life on Earth?”
Gary is a successful past-Life Regressionist who has been practicing for almost twenty years. He is also a qualified clinical hypnotherapist with a holistic approach who has been practiing professionally since 2006. However, his training and qualifications in hypnotherapy and N.L.P. began in 1998.
Have you ever wondered who you might have been in a previous life?
Questions like this and many more have been answered by taking a fascinating journey into the unknown when you open doors that lead into the past. You may do this simply out of curiosity or to reveal accounts and actions that may have taken place in previous lives.
Do you believe in past lives, and have you ever been curious about your past lives?
Whatever the reasons for exploring past lives, it can often be an exciting and enlightening experience, as we are all the results of our past and carry the memories from past lives into this life. Bringing these memories forward to the conscious mind can help us understand why we continuously repeat the same cyclical patterns from our past. When revealed, this pattern can free us from limitations and restrictions and what no longer serves us, allowing us to live a more fulfilled life in the present.
Past Life Regression therapy is £160, and the session will last up to two hours.
To make an appointment, call Denize on 07954 343655 or email
Past Life Regression through Trance Work.
I will guide you to a deep level of relaxation, where you will continue to journey to a past life. I will be there the whole time to ensure your well-being. I will ask you what you are experiencing, where you may be, who you are in this other life (if known), the times and places and anything else that may occur during your experience of a past life. The session will usually last between one and a half to two hours. It will also depend on you and your ability to visualize. I will also take notes during the session, which I will share later.
Your journey will begin by allowing me to help you relax in a light trance state. During the session, you will be totally aware of what is happening and always be in control. One of the most essential things when experiencing a past life regression is to be relaxed and to trust whatever may come to you on your journey. Some people may see nothing or very little during this experience. One of the main reasons for this might be because they need to allow themselves to be completely relaxed.
Sometimes, one may try too hard to see through the conscious mind instead of relaxing and letting the unconscious do its work. It does help to have a vivid imagination. However, a past-life journey is not usually something you have read about in a book or watched in a film. A past-life journey is about your unique experience, and whatever may come to you on this journey will be right for you!
If you cannot visualize during the regression, we will continue the session with relaxation and building self-esteem/confidence.

Cycles of life
Imagine your life as one large cycle, and within this more excellent cycle, many smaller cycles repeat throughout your life, with some repeated more frequently than others. Consider that the purpose of these cycles is to replenish, take stock, build upon, and learn from our mistakes, releasing our anguish, anxieties, fear, and hurt from our past and finally letting go of what no longer serves our purpose.
Once we have learned our lessons, there is no need to repeat them, making the same old mistakes repeatedly (this being a cycle within itself). On a level of far greater depth and capacity – infinitely, we are all one with the Universe and its energy. Everything exists within cycles.
As humans, we repeat the same patterns from past life cycles until we can recognize them for what they are. Once we do this, we can free ourselves from being stuck in the past. It gives us a greater understanding of why past lives may exist and why we have chosen to come down to earth again to be reborn into the cycle of rebirth. One reason for this is that there is a karmic debt that you need to pay off to someone or society. Alternatively, you may have unfinished business with others you left behind in a previous life, and you want to change this or put it right.
Reincarnation (soul rebirth) with Religions
In all religions, there is a belief that we will enter some form of afterlife, and many religions believe this will happen through reincarnation. In Christianity, reincarnation might have been present until around the 6th century A.D., After it was reported to have been abolished by the Roman Emperor Justinian.
Child Awareness of Rebirth
Many children have recalled and remembered their past lives without being aware of what a past life is as it comes naturally to them. A client of mine once told me that when her daughter was five years old, she opened the gate from the house and ran out into the street. When the mother screamed out franticly to her daughter, she turned around and said to her, “Don’t you think I know that? That is how I died before!”
I also heard parents recounting things their children had said to them while driving, such as “I used to live over there before, but you weren’t my mummy then!” Another child in Scotland said, “I used to live over there with my boys!”
Often, children are aware of another existence from around the age of three until around six. The seven-year cycle takes effect as we progress into adulthood. It creates greater awareness in the conscious mind, brings forth changes, and helps us relearn how to cope with the problems of modern-day life! It is because the unconscious mind is not lost, just almost forgotten, except when we access our dreams, visions that some might have, or the feelings of Déjà vu, and of course, through Past Life Regression therapy. There have been many recorded cases from clients of psychiatrists and regressionists that have found evidence of past lives when these lives have been researched in the present.
The Interlife
After we have passed on from a life cycle on earth, we enter the “Interlife” (known as “Bardo” in Buddhism), which is a place between lives before entering into the next life on earth. It is where we can look at our previous lives and reflect, ask for forgiveness, or forgive those who are there with us or those we left behind on earth. It is a place of peace and serenity, calmness and tranquillity and where the soul is cleansed. It is a place to learn and spiritually grow before we move on to the next or present life. Wherever or whatever stage you may have reached, at this present time in your life, it is a result of your past!