Hypnotherapy Sessions
Member of the Complementary and Natural Health Care Council (CNHC), Member of M.B.S. Professionals
Ltd, Member of Hypnotic World, Member of the U.K. Reiki Federation. Member of Past Life Regression Association.

Gary Markwick is a highly experienced Clinical Hypnotherapist with a holistic approach. D.H.P. and N.L.P. qualifications and certifications in Past Life Regression, Smoking Cessation, and EMDR Trauma Therapy for the last 20 years.
In the first session, we will have a confidential consultation to discuss your issue, including when, where, and how it started and its impact on you. It will help me determine the right therapy.
The first session can be very therapeutic, as you may have had little discussion with others about your issues up to the present. It will also help you to feel more relaxed with me as your therapist before we begin working together.
The initial session costs £130 and lasts up to 90 minutes, including the consultation.
Any follow-up session costs £100 and lasts up to 60 minutes.
To make a booking, please call Denize on 07954 343655 or email g_markwick@hotmail.com
Please include your contact number.
The Induction
I will guide you to deep relaxation, allowing you to concentrate on my suggestions and create the positive changes necessary to achieve well-being for your future outcome.
How Many Sessions Will I Need?
It is difficult to say how many sessions you may need, as everyone is different. Most clients can benefit from one session. However, it may be necessary to deal with the root cause of the problem, which can require analytical therapy. Analytical Hypnotherapy aims to uncover and address the root cause of the issue or anxiety, unlike suggestion therapy, which may not eliminate the underlying cause. The problem may likely recur later.
Therefore, it is essential to deal with these underlying issues. If you wish to remove the root cause of your problem, think about it in terms of between one to five sessions. However, we can discuss how many sessions may be required during the consultation.
Hypno Healing
Includes Reiki healing, which Gary put together, and is called hypno-healing. Towards the end of the Reiki healing session, Gary will talk to you and show you a technique to protect yourself from the negative energy of those who may be around you, using something called the Shield, protection and enhancing “Self-Belief.” It can be very effective as you are relaxed, which accesses your subconscious mind.
Gary can give hypno-healing for procrastination, psychic protection, attractive love, accepting yourself, confidence building, worrying, and unrequited love. For more information visit our Reiki Sessions page
What is Hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a state of heightened awareness. It is not like sleep but more like an altered state of consciousness because the person is alert, although there may be times when they will drift in and out of a deeper state of relaxation. It can be similar to daydreaming when looking out of a window, and your thoughts are far away, watching a movie you enjoy, reading an exciting novel, or even driving on a long journey, which becomes tiresome. These are all hypnotic states when fully conscious, although everything outside and around you, sounds or smells, becomes irrelevant and distant. It is the same when under Hypnosis, allowing you to concentrate on the suggestions given by the therapist while they guide you into a state of deep relaxation.
Can anyone be Hypnotized?
The effectiveness of Hypnosis depends on the willingness of the individual. Hypnotherapy is a natural state, and most people can be hypnotized. However, it is not possible to hypnotize someone against their will. In theory, everyone can be hypnotized, although some individuals may resist. Those who resist may feel they need to be in control and think they will lose power if they allow themselves to be hypnotized. This stops them from allowing themselves to relax enough to go into a hypnotic state. Hypnotherapists have often said that the higher your I.Q. you may have, the better subject you will be for Hypnotherapy. You will also respond more quickly in a hypnotic state when receiving positive suggestions to the subconscious mind from the hypnotherapist.
Will I be in control?
Yes, you will be in control! Contrary to some beliefs that many people have about the hypnotherapist controlling the client during a session of hypnotherapy, this is a misunderstanding. You are always in control and you are not made to do anything which goes against your personal values or beliefs. When you are under hypnosis you know exactly where you are, hypnosis is not sleep. You can adjust your position, scratch, sneeze, or cough. You can open your eyes and bring yourself out of the trance state at any time you wish. Hypnosis will not work if the person does not want to be hypnotized. It is a natural state, and most people can be hypnotized. However, no one can be hypnotized against his or her will.
Is Hypnosis dangerous?
There is nothing dangerous about Hypnosis by itself, if there were, we would certainly know it. We would tell ourselves not to slip into another state of consciousness, daydream, concentrate intensely, or become absorbed in things of compelling interest.
After the Hypnosis, will I remember what took place?
Mostly yes. You will remember the suggestions given to you while under Hypnosis, as well as everything of value that took place during your session. If you are very tired, you may fall asleep. This can sometimes happen towards the end of the session when you are not necessarily consciously aware. However, the suggestions you receive will be directed to your unconscious mind.
Overcoming Fears and Phobias
Panic attacks, anxiety whilst driving, fear of flying, social anxiety, public speaking anxiety, fear of confined places/spaces, these problems all respond tremendously well to hypnotherapy. During the hypnosis sessions you learn to relax deeply, to release or let go of excessive anxieties and to break the old reaction patterns. Hypnosis is a safe and effective way to alter any negative and self-limiting thoughts. Hypnosis is powerful in that it allows us to reach the unconscious mind, which holds many powerful thoughts, which are both the cause and remedy of many of our problems.
After the Hypnosis, will I remember what took place?
Mostly yes. You will remember the suggestions given to you whilst under hypnosis, and everything of value that took place during your session. If you are very tired, you may fall asleep, this can sometimes happen towards the end of the session when you are not necessarily consciously aware. However, the suggestions you receive will be directed to your unconscious mind.
What can Hypnotherapy do for me?
The Benefits of Hypnosis
Hypnosis can help people make positive changes in their lives. The list below notes areas in which It is used with great success.
Achieving in Sports | Habit Breaking |
Addictive Personality | Health Issues |
Agoraphobia | Impotence |
Anxiety | Improving Athletic Performance |
Attracting and Keeping a Relationship | Improving Relationships |
Bed-Wetting | Incontinence |
Blushing | Inferiority |
Building Confidence | Insomnia |
Child Birth | Migraines |
Circulation Problems | Motivation |
Claustrophobia | Nail Biting |
Concentration | Obsessive Compulsive Disorders |
Driving Exam Nerves | Pain Management |
Employment Stress | Passing Exams |
Emotional Issues | Phobias |
Exam Nerves | Prepare for Surgery |
Fear of Creepy Crawlies | Post-Surgery |
Fear of Dentists | Procrastination |
Fear of Doctors | Psychic Protection |
Fear of Heights | Sales Achievement |
Fear of Failure | Self-Belief |
Fear of Flying | Self-Esteem |
Fear of Public Speaking | Skin Disorders |
Fear of Snakes | Sleep Problems |
Fear of Spiders | Smoking |
Fear of Stuttering | Stage Performance |
Food Intolerance | Stress Management |
Gain Confidence | Unwanted Habits |
Gastric Band Weight Loss | Weight Control and more. |