What is ASMR?

Are you having anxiety or trouble sleeping? Chronic pain? You may want to check out this ASMR video of Gary giving a palm reading. ASMR has become a craze lately on social media, although it has been around for over 15 years. It has a growing following of people who report a sensory phenomenon that involves a tingling sensation and the subsequent relaxation and feelings of peace it brings about.

Hypnotherapy with Gary Markwick who is a qualified and registered practitioner of Clinical Hypnotherapy D.H.P, NLP

What is Hypnotherapy?

hypnotherapyHypnotherapy is perhaps one of the world’s most understood forms of healing. When I say hypnotherapy you are probably thinking of a man onstage swinging a pocket watch back and forth in front of someone’s eyes as they are commanded to perform actions they ordinarily wouldn’t.