What is Reiki?

reiki healingReiki is an energetic healing art that works by manipulating the flow of energy (known as ki or chi) in the human body to treat a disease or condition. The predominant form of reiki practiced throughout the world today, also known as Usui reiki, was created by Dr. Mikao Usui in the early 20th century.

This energy or ki is the life force that flows through all living things. It’s undisrupted flow through the meridians (energy circuits) promotes the body’s proper growth and development. This biological energy regulates all the body’s functions, maintains the organs, and creates and gives motility to the blood.

Reiki Healing with Gary Markwick and What can you expect from a Reiki Healing Session

Reiki is good for de-stressing and re-balancing the body and the mind. During the healing session Gary will use the Tibetan singing bowls which will realign the Chakras. A Reiki healing treatment works by dissolving or releasing toxins through the vibrations that take place on a higher frequency of ones being, whether it is on a physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual level, creating a harmonious environment from within oneself.

Sessions take place in a calming, tranquil and atmospheric room with ambient music playing, and Gary will help you to feel completely relaxed and at ease and will talk with you before the sessions starts with a short consultation.

Gary is empathetic, he works intuitively, channeling the universal energy that he receives and passing it on to the person who is receiving the Reiki Healing. Gary has been giving and teaching Reiki and spiritual healing professionally for the last 20 years.

Reiki healing is given by placing the hands on or just above the body in a non-intrusive way. Once Gary aligns himself and connects with the energy, an amazing connection can take place with the client. This alignment creates a natural flow of energy that works on a higher frequency through the person who is receiving it, leaving a feeling of well-being on the physical, emotional, and spiritual level.

During the healing session, Gary will often be guided intuitively towards any blockages that may lie within the client; this gives him the ability to work on certain areas of the body. However, regardless of this, the Reiki energy will always continue to do its work on the whole self.

“My husband and I both had Reiki treatments from Gary last week. Excellent service. Extremely professional and worthwhile. We both completely felt cleansed and refreshed afterwards. For myself, I have not experienced such deep relaxation for some time, and it was what we both needed with recent stresses. We went for Reiki treatments because we had palm readings from Gary almost two years ago. The energy he and Denise his wife have is something which feels very unique. Well worth the trip from Surrey. We will be back soon! Thank you both so much”


Reiki Workshops

reiki sessionGary teaches original Usui Reiki 1, 2, 3a, and 3b master teacher level. Workshops are on a personal one to one giving each person his attention. A whole day will be spent on each course developing and learning new skills that can lead towards a future with endless possibilities. 

Certificates and lineage are issued to all Reiki students on completion of courses. These certificates will be honoured by the UK federation. In addition, students will receive manuals for each completed Reiki degree. 

For more information visit our website https://reikiinhand.com/

“Absolutely amazing experience completing my reiki level 1 and level 2 with Gary Both Gary and Denize are very humble and kindhearted souls. They are very welcoming and so knowledgeable. I have purchased all of Gary’s books which I am looking forward to reading. I am currently on the first book which is very easy to read and has so much information about how the universe works and how we can change our lives by changing our thoughts and vibrations. I highly recommend it to anyone open to change. Any questions I have had since completing the course Denize and Gary always answer with love and compassion. Amazing, beautiful couple who have so much to give with what they are doing . Thank you again Denize and Gary Love and light to you both”